Height difference of 30cm! ? Rika and Kino Noha Erika, a perverted half-f meet, take on the final battle of eroticism, costing 1 million yen! ! Physical differences don’t matter! ! Packed with dynamic play and detailed techniques that make use of your height! ! Whichever will the winner be… an extreme sexy battle! The Eromonea | faleno group – 身長差30cm!?スケベハーフ対決逢見リカ&木野々葉えりかが100万円をかけたエロの頂上決戦に挑む!!体格差なんて関係ない!!身長を活かしたダイナミックなプレイや細やかなテクニックが満載!!果たして勝者はどちらか…極限セクシーバトル!ザ・エロモネア | FALENO GROUP