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●「ウチは貧乏だから林間学校には行かない」と言っている息子を心配して担任の先生が訪ねて来たが、彼は百姓の母親に惹かれていて…。「息子さんの担任になった時に、お母さんに一目惚れしてしまって…」「私なんか汗と土の匂いしかしない田舎の百姓女なんですよ」「お母さんの汗の匂い凄く興奮する!」「あーっ先生そこは…触らないで下さい!」農家で聖職者と百姓女の淫らな交尾が始まった。●死んだ父親が残していた借金の取り立てに金貸しの男がやって来た。夫まで蒸発して困り果てている女房に対し男が出した条件とは…。「来月までに金の工面出来るんだろうな」「無理なんですけど…」「じゃあ、奥さんのマンコ貸してくれればイイだけだ」「何言ってるんですか、そんな事出来ません!」借金取りに尺八を強●される純情妻。「奥さん、洩らしまくって大変だー」「あー気持ちイイの~!」。 二話収録
●The teacher of the son, who said “We’re poor, so we won’t go to the school trip,” came to visit him out of concern, but he was attracted to the farmer’s mother… “When I became your son’s homeroom teacher, I fell in love with your mother at first sight…” “I’m just a farmer girl from the countryside who smells only of sweat and soil.” “My mother’s sweat smell is so exciting!” “Ah, teacher, don’t touch me there!” The lewd mating between the priest and the farmer girl began at the farm. ●A moneylender came to collect the debts left by the dead father. The man set a condition for the wife, who is in dire straits after her husband has disappeared… “I hope you can find the money by next month,” “That’s impossible,” “Then I just want you to lend me your wife’s pussy,” “What are you talking about? I can’t do that!” An innocent wife is forced to perform a shakuhachi by the debt collector. “Ma’am, you’re leaking so much, it’s so hard,” “Ah, it feels so good!” Two stories included

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